Tykkien ja kenttäkeittimien kunnostus ja entisöinti
Räjäytys- ja louhinta- sekä raivaustyöt
Porakaivojen räjäytystyöt
Asetekniset ja - historiakonsultaatiot, huollot
Puhallus- ja pintakäsittely- sekä asennustyöt
Puhelin: 020 730 1150
S-posti: tiilikainen@tykkitoni.fi
- grinding, painting, oiling, greasing and work-related versatile demolition and installation work.
- we also maintain and fix the mechanics of your old weapon
The business also consults and trains the customer, such as in the maintenance of a cannon weapon held by a gun collector and in finding historical information.
Extent classifications of cannon work and estimate of work pricing:
Advance pricing for cannonwork is very difficult, due to the great variety of all projects. Each job is evaluated together with the
customer, and after determining the agreed restoration level, a contract is made in which a pricing and final invoice estimate is formed.
The factors that affect price formation are described below.
However, as a general generalization, it should be noted that the physical size of the cannon significantly affects the overall scope of the work and project, regardless of the level of restoration desired.
A: Extensive refurbishment / restoration:
Dismantling of main cannon parts, sandblasting, repainting and dismantling of directional machines and non-deactivated mechanical parts, lubrication and grease maintenance and sensitization, complete reporting and maintenance instructions, cannon number copying to the customer. This level almost invariably also requires work to be done in a different place (indoors).
NOTE! The transports are calculated separately on the price, because they form a rather large expense item, especially due to long distances and truck deliveries of large pieces. The project is also quite long in time.
B: Intermediate level refurbishment / restoration:
Cannon washing and grinding and groundwork, refurbishment of paintwork as agreed, light disassembly of machinery, sensitization and refinishing of lubricants / greases, maintenance instructions, project folder with photographs of the work done.
This work, too, is usually done in a separate interior / hall and can take several weeks or a couple of months.
C: Limited refurbishment / restoration: Cannon washing in place and clarification of nameplates and unpainted parts, light sensitization of moving parts such as lock and pallet mechanisms, opening of rusted parts, small repair paintings. This is suitable, for example, for cannons that are fixed in place, for example, in front of a monument or public building / yard. Transportation away is not possible. If the painting work is done in place outdoors, the work must be done during the summer.
Note! Almost all cannon weapons no longer exist or no more detailed historical information can be found. On a case-by-case basis, it is even possible to find very accurate information.
Prices below include postage and delivery costs to the customer.
A. Limited request for information:
- Retrieval and delivery of basic information to the customer related to weapon pedigrees (cannon bore and carriage books, etc. existing documentation).
B. Basic request for information:
- Retrieval and delivery of basic information to the customer related to weapon pedigrees (cannon bore and carriage, etc. existing documentation).
- Summaries of the war diaries of the wartime team
C. Extensive request for information:
- Retrieval and delivery of basic information to the customer related to weapon pedigrees (cannon bore and carriage, etc. existing documentation).
- Summaries of the war diaries of the wartime team
- A chronological basic presentation of the wartime of the weapon and the main battles, as well as the battle sites route taken on the map laminated. In addition, the creation of a technical display board for the weapon, if necessary.
Uusimmat kommentit
08.11 | 15:30
Morjens! Tästä linkistä voit käydä ostamasta itsellesi ao. tykin ohjesäännön: https://www.swat.fi/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=4725
Uskon, että sieltä löytyy apuja?
08.11 | 13:13
Tykistön syyshuolto on tehty. Lukot on purettu ja puhdistettu. Kokoelmaan kuuluu yksi kiilalukkoinen mysteeri jota ei ole saatu purettua. Miten irtoaa 76K36:n kiilalukko?
27.05 | 08:04
Hei, Voitko laittaa mulle sähköpostia suoraan? tiilikainen@tykkitoni.fi tai soittaa mulle numeroon 020 730 1150?
24.05 | 13:35
Merikarvian saaressa pitäisi noin 6 kpl kiveä räjäyttää, jotta saadaan rakennettua Talas ihan meren rantaan. Kivet ovat halkaisijaltaan alle 2 metriä.